About Us

Here's Why and How Repurpose Children's Books?

As a children’s book author, the inspiration for Repurpose Children’s Books (RCB) came after publishing my own print storybook. I found myself asking a question that many of us face:

What next after investing thousands of dollars and countless hours into creating my children’s book paperback?

And that led to an even bigger question:

How could I repurpose my children’s book illustrations and texts into other creative products that ultimately grow my audience and income?

If you’ve found yourself asking the same questions, then you’re in the right place!

Repurpose Children’s Books seeks to help children’s book authors like you maximize the potential of your stories. I believe that the magic of our books doesn’t have to stay on the printed page. By transforming our stories into engaging story-based game apps and other creative digital assets, we open the door to new opportunities and new audiences.

Whether you’re looking to expand your brand, create additional income streams, or simply see your story come to life in fresh and exciting ways, Repurpose Children’s Books is here to guide you every step of the way.

Join me, and let’s embark on this creative journey together—because our stories deserve to inspire, entertain, and grow beyond the book!

About Bayo

My name is Bayo, a software engineer and children’s book author.

Faced with the question of how to make my children’s books evergreen for profitability, I gravitated towards my skills and love for technology. Hence, I dove into the world of story-based game apps exploring different revenue models, engaging features among others. With that, I’ve come to appreciate the need to repurpose children’s books beyond one medium.

Today, the questions around sustaining children’s books remain; even more in light of unprecedented changes to the creative landscape with the advent of AI.

Having spent over 10 years blending the magic of storytelling with the innovation of game development, I can help you repurpose your beautiful children’s book into a successful story-based game app. That’s primarily my core. However, my continuous learning and hands-on experience across different creative media means we can grow together towards creating self-sustainable children’s books that remain evergreen.

Adebayo Adegbembo

Turn Your Children’s Book Into a Game App!

Your story deserves more than just pages - bring it to life as an engaging game app! Expand your audience, boost book sales, and create an immersive experience for young readers. Start here by downloading the free blueprint!

The Children's Book Creator's Blueprint To Story-Based Game Apps